Atmel Studio for Mac

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Atmel Studio by Atmel Corporation is a piece of software that was designed to help users develop applications for Atmel microcontrollers (ARM and AVR). Atmel Studio for Mac cannot be found, so you are free to try some of the alternative tools for programming microcontrollers. Here is a list of apps to replace Atmel Studio for Mac.

6 alternatives available for Maс
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Atmel Studio for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Our editors hand-picked the best Mac alternatives to Atmel Studio, go ahead and check them out, rate them, or add new ones you find fitting.


LPCXpresso Free

by LPCWare

The LPCXpresso IDE is a highly integrated software development environment for NXP's LPC microcontrollers that includes all the tools necessary to develop high-quality software solutions in a timely and cost effective fashion.

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CrossStudio for AVR Free

by Rowley Associates Ltd.

CrossWorks for AVR is the complete development solution for all your AVR projects. The toolset provides a complete and cost-effective solution for programming the AVR family of low-power microcontrollers.

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AVRFuses Free

by Jason von Nieda

AVRFuses is a simple fuse programmer for the AVR series of microcontrollers from Atmel. It is written to mimic the look, feel and utility of the AVR Studio fuse programmer.

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FlashMagic Free

by Embedded Systems Academy, Inc.

This application is designed for programming flash based microcontrollers from NXP using a serial or Ethernet protocol while in the target hardware.

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Modkit Free

by Modkit LLC

Modkit is an in-browser graphical programming environment for microcontrollers. Modkit allows you to program Arduino and Compatible hardware using simple graphical blocks and/or traditional text code.

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CrossWorks for ARM Free

by Rowley Associates

CrossStudio for ARM is a complete C/C++ and assembly code development system for ARM7, ARM9, XScale, and Cortex microcontrollers. Features: - CrossStudio Integrated Development Environment-taking care of edit, build, download and debug over JTAG.

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AVR Studio
AVR Studio for Mac

AVR Studio by Atmel Corporation is an integrated development environment (IDE...

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