HashCalc for Mac

System Tools   ›   File Compression

HashCalc by SlavaSoft Inc. is an application that allows you to compute checksums for various file formats. Although there is no version of HashCalc for Mac available for download, there are many tools you can use instead. The following list contains some alternatives to HashCalc for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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HashCalc for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Our editors hand-picked the best Mac alternatives to HashCalc, go ahead and check them out, rate them, or add new ones you find fitting.


Hash Free

by RbCafe

Hash is your free utility to validate the check sum a file (file checksum). Also, with this application you calculate the hash of a file. Hash supports the following algorithms : - Adler32. - CRC16. - CRC32. - MD4. - MD5. - MDC2. - RMD160. - SHA.

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iHash Free

by Elite Bits

Simply drop a file into iHash to obtain the hash of the file. This app is great for check file integrity that downloaded from the internet. It's easy, it's fast and it works. You can drop big files.

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Handy Calculator Free

by Alice Dev Team

Handy Calculator is a simple Mac application that comes in handy when you wish to make basic calculations on your computer. The program provides you with a nicely-designed and user-friendly interface...

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Hash-Drop Free

by Damasoft

Hash-Drop is a simple to use Mac OS X app that calculates the md5, the sha1 and the sha256 hash of the provided files. You can drop files and copy, get the hash and copy to the clipboard for use with any other software.

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HashMaker Free

by Hawark Li Inc.

HashMaker is small utility that allows you to calculate the MD5 and SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 hashes of a file or string. The app enables you to easily copy the result hashes list into the clipboard so you can paste it wherever you want.

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