SuperCopy for Mac

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SuperCopy by Nathanael Jones is an open-source application that can help you easily and quickly copy files on your computer. Even if there is no version of SuperCopy for Mac available on the market, you can use other tools that can help you copy your files from one place to another. Here are some alternatives to SuperCopy for Mac.

6 alternatives available for Maс
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Supercopier Free

by Ultracopier

Supercopier is a free and open-source application licensed under GPL3. This simple program acts as a replacement for files copy dialog. The main features of the application includes: - play/pause; - speed limitation; - on-error resume;

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SuperCopy Free

by XStyleSoft

SuperCopy is a powerful and easy-to-use copy and move files tool. The applcation uses multi-threading technology and makes full use of disk cache, greatly reducing the copy time. It supports resuming a broken transfer.

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ultracopier Free

by Ultracopier

Ultracopier can help you manage file copy operations. In this regard, compared with the built-in copy tool, it offers more features, which include resuming operations, managing the list of files and dealing with copy conflicts.

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Xfile Free

by Korion

Xfile is a wonderful tool that allows you to split files and put them back together. Extremely handy in a lot of situations, especially when transferring files using the Internet. What makes this app so great is its perfect design.

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QuickCopy mini Free

by mactips-lib

Quick and easy file copy and movement for the Mac QuickCopy mini is an application that quickly makes the copy or the moving of the file easier.

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ReMoCo Free

by com.NikoPietinen

Rename Move Copy
and Organize to folders by file extension ReCoMo is a tool that allows you to move or copy files from one folder to another, at the same time, you can rename the file.

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FastCopy for Mac

FastCopy by Shirouzu Hiroaki is an open source program for copying, deleting and synchronizing...

Robocopy for Mac

Robocopy (also known as Robust File Copy) by Microsoft is a free application...

File Manager
File Manager for Mac

File managers are applications that can help you perform various actions, like transferring...

TeraCopy for Mac

TeraCopy by Code Sector Inc is one of the most simple and user...

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