ApexDC++ for Mac

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ApexDC++ by ApexDC++ Management is a P2P client that uses the Direct Connect (DC) and ADC networks to transfer files between users. As there is no available version of ApexDC++ for Mac, you are welcome to try other P2P clients for Mac that can help yo do the job. If you are looking for an alternative to ApexDC++ for Mac, then the tools form this list may be of use.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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ApexDC++ for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Compare ApexDC++ for Mac with best handpicked alternatives, rate them and add your own ones.


Acqlite Free

by Acqlite

Acqlite is a P2P client based on Acquisition, LimeWire, and Cabos. It is a free app that can be used to share and download files, like music, videos, movies, etc. It has a very simple design and it seems to work well for popular content.

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Jucy Free

by Jucy Team

Jucy is a client for the direct connect network. It allows you to chat and share files with friends. Distinguishing Features: - Supports many OS - Automatic Update function - Loads old messages in PM Windows so you know where you left off

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ShakesPeer Free

by Martin Hedenfalk

ShakesPeer is an Open Source Direct Connect client for Mac OS X. Direct Connect is a popular filesharing network.

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Alliance Free

by Maciek Drejak

Alliance is a private and secure environment to share files and communicate with people you know. Alliance takes the best from Direct Connect and BitTorrent and creates a decentralized and secure p2p network.

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Retroshare Free

by RetroShare Team

RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, private and secure decentralised communication platform. It lets you to securely chat and share files with your friends and family, using a web-of-trust to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt...

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Related alternatives
Strong DC++
Strong DC++ for Mac

StrongDC++ by Big Muscle, KohlSoft® Corporation is a popular open source file sharing application...

Shareaza for Mac

Shareaza by Shareaza Development Team is an open-source peer-to-peer client that gives...

DC++ for Mac

DC++ by Jacek Sieka is an application that provides users the possibility...

iMesh for Mac

If you're looking for a utility that helps you manage and discover new songs and videos...

eMule for Mac

eMule hasn't yet released eMule for Mac...

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