cpuminer for Mac

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cpuminer by Pooler is a crypto currency mining program that uses the CPU of your PC to mine for coins. Even if there is no cpuminer for Mac released yet, you can still use other applications that share the same functionality. Here is a list with some alternatives to cpuminer for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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cpuminer for Mac OS X: Best alternatives You can use one of these cpuminer for Mac alternatives which were thoughtfully chosen by our editors and user community.


MultiMiner Free

by Nate Woolls

MultiMiner is a desktop application for crypto-coin mining on Mac. The app simplifies switching individual devices (GPUs, ASICs, FPGAs) between crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin.

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GOODCoin Free

by GOODCoin Developers

GoldCoin is an improved version of Litecoin using scrypt as a proof of work scheme. Main features: - 2.5 minute block targets up till block 45000. - 2 minute block targets there after. - 504 blocks per difficulty retarget up to block 45000.

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RPC Miner Free

by RPC Miner Developers

RPC Miner is an experimental, decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. This app uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: transaction management...

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ScryptMiner GUI Free

by Janne Pulkkinen

ScryptMiner GUI is a simple app created for the scrypt-fork of cpuminer, which is used with Litecoin and other alternate cryptocurrencies based on the scrypt proof-of-work.

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MacMiner Free

by FabulousPanda

MacMiner is a native Mac GUI for Bitcoin, Litecoin and Alt Coin mining. All three of the most relevant mining backends are included in this mining software, bfgminer, cgminer and cpuminer.

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