CSV Editor for Mac

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CSV Editor by Cleveroad Inc. is an application which allows users to manipulate their CSV files by changing the table layout, headers, delimitation and more. Currently, there is no version of CSV Editor for Mac released on the developer's website, but users can install other applications from the same category. Here is a list of some alternatives to CSV Editor for Mac.

6 alternatives available for Maс
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CSV Editor for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Check out alternatives to CSV Editor for Mac proposed by our editors and user community.


Table Tool Free

by Egger Apps

Table Tool is intended to access the contents of CSV files without the problems that commonly arise when different specifications are used. CSV is a very popular, and almost universally supported, table storing format.

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CSVEdit Free

by Object Craft Pty Ltd

CSV files (comma separated values) are a widely used file type for the transfer of simple information. CSVEdit will open these files supporting a user-selectable set of field delimiters and file encoding, allowing you to search and filter...

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CSVEditor Free

by DSD.net

CSVEditor is a handy tool for all who want to edit data spreadsheets. This application makes creating and editing CSV data more comfortable. You can create new spreadsheets or open any CSV file in any available encoding.

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TableEdit Free

by Corecode

TableEdit is a simple, clean & elegant spreadsheet application designed specifically for OS X. TableEdit features a minimalistic yet intuitive interface and has convenient features like formulae, charts and exhaustive cell styling options...

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Easy Editor for Zoho Spreadsheet Free

by EFS Software

Easy Editor for Zoho Spreadsheet is an easy to use app that allows users to create, open, edit and save spreadsheet such as Microsoft Office Excel/Open Office using the Zoho web-based sheet service.

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XTabulator Free

by Bartas Technologies

XTabulator is a tabular data file editor for Mac OS X. With XTabulator, you can edit, manipulate, massage, slice, and dice comma-separated (CSV), tab-separated (TAB), or anything-separated files quickly and easily.

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CSVed for Mac

CSVed by Sam Francke is a piece of software that will let you open and edit CSV files...

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