FolderMatch for Mac

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FolderMatch by Salty Brine Software is a program created to keep multiple folders synchronized whenever a change in content is detected in one of them. Even if there is no version of FolderMatch for Mac, there are other alternatives you can use instead. The next list contains some alternatives to FolderMatch for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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FolderMatch for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Check out alternatives to FolderMatch for Mac proposed by our editors and user community.


FreeFileSync Free

by Zenju

FreeFileSync is an open source solution for comparing and syncing the directories within your Mac computer. This program might come in handy when making local backups for your important files and keep the data in sync.

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Synkron Free

by Matus Tomlein

Synkron is a simple Qt application that allows you to sync folders, for example a flash disk with a folder on your hard disk.

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dupeGuru PE Free

by Hardcoded Software

dupeGuru PE is a reliable application that allows you to scan your computer for image duplicates. To be able to start the scan you first have to select the folder that you want to scan. You can also add multiple folders for the scan.

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grsync Free

by Piero Orsoni

Grsync is a rsync GUI (Graphical User Interface). Rsync is the well-known and powerful command line directory and file synchronization tool. Grsync makes use of the GTK libraries and is released under the GPL license, so it is opensource.

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JFileSync Free

by Jens Heidrich

JFileSync is used to synchronize pairs of directories. In order to synchronize directories, you have to define a synchronization profile including the directory pairs you would like to synchronize.

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SyncToy for Mac

SyncToy by Microsoft is a popular tool for file and folder synchronization...

Allway Sync
Allway Sync for Mac

Allway Sync by Botkind Inc. is a piece of software that will let you quickly synchronize...

FastCopy for Mac

FastCopy by Shirouzu Hiroaki is an open source program for copying, deleting and synchronizing...

ExamDiff Pro
ExamDiff Pro for Mac

ExamDiff Pro by PrestoSoft LLC is a popular piece of software that gives users the possibility...

Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder
Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder for Mac

Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder by Duplicate Finder is a free to use application that can help...

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