Kinovea for Mac

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Kinovea by Joan Charmant & Contrib. is an open source application that was designed to help you analyze sports videos and it can be especially useful for coaches, athletes and medical professionals. Sadly, Kinovea for Mac is not available for download, so you might want to try one of the alternative video analysis apps for Mac. Here are some of the alternatives to Kinovea for Mac.

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ObjectusVideo Free

by Objectus Technology LLC

Video analysis for sports (golf, baseball, tennis, gymnastics, and track and field) and scientific applications. Features: - Up to 4 videos in a single window - Synchronize all videos - Define and mark Events - Full complement of drawing tools

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MotionPro Free

by CyberAccess123, Inc

MotionPro! is the ideal swing analysis and motion analysis software for golf, tennis, bowling, baseball, and all other sports. If you want to improve your skills as a player or as a coach then you need video feedback. MotionPro!

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LongoMatch Free

by Andoni Morales Alastruey

LongoMatch is free video analysis software for sport analysts with unlimited possibilities: Record, Tag, Review, Draw, Edit Videos, and much more.

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TwoVid Player Free

by Robert Bienert

TwoVid Player is an open-source video player for the Mac. Its most important feature is that it can play two videos at the same time.

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ShredVideo Free

by Shred Video, Inc.

ShredVideo offers a fast way to make great movies from raw footage. It is designed for action sports athletes and adventure travelers.

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