OllyDbg for Mac

Developer Tools   ›   Debugging Tools

OllyDbg by Oleh Yuschuk is a free piece of software that allows you to debug and disassemble your 32-bit applications. Even though there is no version of OllyDbg for Mac available for download, there are several alternative tools that you may use as a substitute. If you are looking for OllyDbg for Mac, feel free to use any of the tools from the list.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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OllyDbg for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Try out the alternative software to OllyDbg for Mac which was thoroughly picked by our editors to satisfy your needs.


MonoDevelop Free

by MonoDevelop contributors

MonoDevelop is an integrated development environment (IDE), therefore it ensures computer programmers the appropriate facilities for developing software. The purpose of this program is to be used in writing desktop and ASP.NET Web applications.

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OCDisasm Free

by Jonathan Paisley

OCDisasm is a free and interactive Objective C disassembler for Mac users. It has been very useful in the development of the Mail Act-On and Mail Tags plug-ins for Mac OS X Mail app.

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De MonsterDebugger Free

by monsters

Don't you get annoyed sometimes when you have to go through yet another boring tutorial just to be able to use a new tool? We do!

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Script Debugger Free

by Late Night Software Ltd.

Script Debugger provides everything you need to quickly and easily author AppleScripts that work. No other scripting tool can match Script Debugger's capabilities for creating, editing and debugging AppleScripts.

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Hopper Disassembler Free

by Vincent Benony

Hopper is a binary disassembler, decompiler and debugger for 32bits and 64bits executables. Hopper can disassemble Mac (Intel 32/64), iOS (ARM/Intel), PE (PE32/32+/64) and ELF (Intel 32/64 and ARM).

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Visual Studio
Visual Studio for Mac

Visual Studio by Microsoft Corporation is a very popular IDE (integrated development...

Codelobster PHP Edition
Codelobster PHP Edition for Mac

Codelobster PHP Edition by Codelobster Software is a well-known IDE that is focused on creating PHP...

SharpDevelop for Mac

SharpDevelop by AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team is an open source IDE...

Turbo C++
Turbo C++ for Mac

Turbo C++ by Borland Software Corporation is the new and improved version of the popular...

Zeus for Windows
Zeus for Windows for Mac

Zeus for Windows by Xidicone Pty Ltd is an integrated development environment (IDE...

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