Oracle Crystal Ball for Mac

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Oracle Crystal Ball by Oracle Crystal Ball is a risk-analysis application that provides you with the means to perform predictive modeling, forecasting, simulation, and optimization tasks. Even if there is no version of Oracle Crystal Ball for Mac available on the web, there are other tools you can try instead. Here are some apps that can serve as alternatives to Oracle Crystal Ball for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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Oracle Crystal Ball for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Check out alternatives to Oracle Crystal Ball for Mac proposed by our editors and user community.


AgenaRisk Free

by Agena

AgenaRisk is a powerful but intuitive tool for modelling, analysing and predicting risk. Main features: - Simulation of statistical distributions for predictive inference. - Diagnostic inference for machine learning applications.

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Risk Engine Free

by Ian Turner

Risk Engine links into iWork Numbers and Microsoft Excel 2008 spreadsheet models to allow you to run detailed Monte Carlo analyses with multiple inputs and outputs.

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Insights Free

by KnowledgeMiner Software

Insights is original 64-bit parallel software for building predictive models from data, automatically, by evolutionary, self-organizing modelling approaches.

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MacParallel Free

by Ed & Psych Associates

MacParallel is a stand alone Mac program that contains tables of eigenvalues produced by Monte Carlo simulations for determination of the number of factors to retain for rotation in factor analysis.

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Quantrix Modeler Free

by Quantrix

With Quantrix Modeler you can explore multiple dimensions simultaneously. Define formulas with real words, not relative coordinates. Effect changes in your data or create new scenarios without rewriting, restructuring, or recreating models.

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@RISK for Mac

@RISK by Palisade Corporation is a risk analysis application that can help...

Biz Plan Builder
Biz Plan Builder for Mac

Biz Plan Builder by JIAN is a piece of software that can help you create business plans...

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