PFConfig for Mac

System Tools   ›   Network

PFConfig by is a port-forwarding application that can help you quickly open and close ports as you see fit. Even though a version of PFConfig for Mac has not been developed, there are several tools that you can use instead. The following list contains some apps that can act as replacements for PFConfig for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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PFConfig for Mac OS X: Best alternatives You can use one of these PFConfig for Mac alternatives which were thoughtfully chosen by our editors and user community.


Port Map Free

by TheCodingMonkeys

Port Mac allows you to create port mappings that allow using remote resources. Thus, the tool can be used to access shared files, a web server or a webcam, for instance.

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IPNetRouterX Free

by com.sustworks

IPNetRouterX is a powerful router, firewall, and network management utility including NAPT with inbound port mapping, a built-in DHCP Server, AirPort configuration tool, bandwidth accounting, and rate limiting.

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Port Mapper Free

by Bitten Apps

Port Mapper will automatically connect to your router and do all the port forwarding for you automagically, even if you change routers. The appmakes use of TCMPortMapper.

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DVR Port Forwarder Free

by upRedSun Technologies, LLC.

This application is an online port forwarding solution for your DVR or Camera. DVR/Camera IP is the IP address of your DVR or Camera. Web Port is the port to show web interface of your DVR or Camera.

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Port Forwarding Wizard Free

by upredsun

Port Forwarding Wizard is a very simple port forwarding tool. Using this tool, you can easily add port forwarding entries into the router. The Port Forwarding Wizard communicates with the router using the UPnP standard.

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