Plist Editor for Mac

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PLIST is a file format that was designed by Apple Computer and GNUstep for storing information about applications, user settings and other serialized objects. If you are looking for tools that will let you edit the PLIST files on your Mac, then take a look at the apps from the following list.

7 alternatives available for Maс
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Plist Editor for Mac OS X: Best alternatives You can use one of these Plist Editor for Mac alternatives which were thoughtfully chosen by our editors and user community.


PlistEdit Free

by Rixstep

One of the great things about OS X is the level of control the user has over the system. System and application settings are not stored in an unfathomable quagmire like Microsoft's 'registry' but in easy to read XML...

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Chameleon Wizard Free

by janek202

Chameleon Wizard helps to install, update and download latests revs of this bootloader. Features: Installing Chameleon with boot0, boot0hfs and boot0md install methods. Updating Chameleon only by replacing boot file.

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PlistEdit Pro Free

by Brian Webster

PlistEdit Pro helps you create property list files (.plist), which are serialized objects that can store user settings, information about bundles and applications as well as localization data.

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PrefEdit App Free


PrefEdit is an application to manage nearly all aspects of the preference system contained in every OS X installation. The program consists of three components which are tightly integrated with each other:

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Prefs Editor Free

by Thomas Tempelmann

Prefs Editor is a utility for editing Preferences files on your Mac. This program might come in handy if you want to enable or disable certain functions for your Mac apps, add new buttons or features to your tools, and so much more.

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Pref Setter Free

by Night Productions

Pref Setter is an application that allows users to edit Property List files. These type of files store user and application preferences and most of the time are not accessible via an interface.

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XMLSpear Free

by Donkeydevelopment

XMLSpear can help you view, check and correct XML files. Likewise, although it is not its main purpose, it can also be used as a plain text editor. The product comes with useful documentation, which includes a sample project and some plugins.

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