Project 64 for Mac


Project 64 by Project 64 is a well-known application that is used for emulating a Nintendo 64 console on a computer. Unfortunately, there is no version of Project 64 for Mac that you can use. However, there are other tools that can help you emulate Nintendo 64 on your Mac. Here are some of the emulators that can serve as alternatives to Project 64 for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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Project 64 for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Check out alternatives to Project 64 for Mac proposed by our editors and user community.


Dolphin Free


Dolphin is a Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator for the Mac. It is a very nice emulator that has accomplished to let users play GC and Wii games on modern computers. Most games are said to work perfectly or with just a few bugs here and there.

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MupenLaunch Free

by Stephen Tierney

MupenLaunch is a free and open-source front end application for the command line Nintendo 64 emulator Mupen64Plus. The application is very easy to use, has only 3 buttons: Start, Stop and Pause.

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RetroArch Free

by libretro

RetroArch is a powerful engine that allows you to play games. This is an open-source project that makes use of a powerful development interface called Libretro.

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sixtyforce Free

by Gerrit

sixtyforce is an emulator that runs Nintendo 64 games. It does this by dynamically translating the code that a Nintendo 64 uses into something your Mac understands.

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Mupen64 Free

by Adam Green and Lamer0

Mupen64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator ported for the Mac. It was ported by Adam Green and Lamer0. The Mupen64 project was discontinued in 2005, and some developers continued this project under the name of Mupen64 plus.

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