Time and Date by Rune Kenneth Meisingset is an application that allows you to display a calendar widget on your desktop with notes and events. Unfortunately, there is no version of Time and Date for Mac released yet, but you can use other applications from the same category. The following list contains best alternatives to Time and Date for Mac.
Keep track of your busy schedule and share it with others using Calendar. Create separate calendars - one for home, another for school, a third for work, and so on.
Not an alternative? Report a problemBusyCal comes as an alternative to using Mac's Calendar tool for keeping track of your future events, such as business meetings, birthdays, etc.
Not an alternative? Report a problemWhen working in a busy environment, it's important to always keep track of your daily tasks and their due dates. QuickCal is a small application for Mac that offers you with a simple way to manage your events and keep you informed of any incoming...
Not an alternative? Report a problemFantastical is a feature-rich utility that comes as an alternative to working with Mac's Calendar tool to manage your events. With its help, you can easily keep track of your daily appointments, set reminders for your meetings and project...
Not an alternative? Report a problemCalendarOnDesktop is a little application that displays calendars on the desktop of your Mac. CalendarOnDesktop has the following features: - Move and resize the calendar. - Display a calendar in matrix or inline. - Display more than one month.
Not an alternative? Report a problemJust Calendar is a simple calendar widget for OS X Yosemite. With a straightforward approach, the application is plain simple and easy to use.
Not an alternative? Report a problemCalendar and Day Planner (USA Edition) by Eshasoft is a personal information management tool (PIM)...
If you are looking for calendars to install on your Mac you might already know that there plenty...
A planner is an application that can help you efficiently organize your meetings...
Feel free to add any alternative to Time and Date for Mac that you know of.
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