uPLAY for Mac

Games   ›   Tools

uPLAY by Smile Interactive Co., Ltd. is a powerful tool that helps you purchase, download, organize and play games. Unfortunately, the developer hasn't released a version of uPLAY for Mac, but in this list with alternatives you can find programs that can easily substitute the uPLAY software. These programs can perform pretty much the same tasks that uPLAY performs, so you don't really need to search for a version of uPLAY for Mac any more.

5 alternatives available for Maс
  • Alternatives 5
  • Comments 6

uPLAY for Mac OS X: Comments See what people say about this set of alternatives to uPLAY for Mac OS X and leave your own opinion.

  • Guest, 7 years ago

    It's not working...

  • Daisy Guaty, 7 years ago

    Dear Guest,
    What program do you mean?

  • Guest, 7 years ago

    I like uPlay more then OS X, that's why I prefer to boot Windows through BootCamp.

  • Guest, 8 years ago

    Yeah true, but my games just run on uPlay. -_-

  • Guest, 9 years ago

    Steam is much better than uPlay. Steam offers a huge number of games...

  • Guest, 7 years ago

    But it's...


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