Visual Web Ripper for Mac

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Visual Web Ripper by Sequentum is an application that is used to parse websites to gather data. Unfortunately, there is no version of Visual Web Ripper for Mac on the developer's website, therefore you will have to use some alternatives that provide similar functionality. Here is a list that contains alternatives to Visual Web Ripper for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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by Importio is a free web-based platform that puts the power of the machine readable web in your hands. Using our tools you can create an API or crawl an entire website in a fraction of the time of traditional methods, no coding required.

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screen-scraper professional edition Uninstaller Free

by ekiwi, LLC

screen-scraper is a tool for extracting data from websites. screen-scraper automates: - Copying text from a web page - Clicking links - Entering data into forms and submitting - Iterating through search result pages

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OutWit Hub Free

by OutWit Technologies

OutWit Hub explores the depths of the Web for you, automatically collecting and organizing data and media from online sources. OutWit Hub breaks down Web pages into their different constituents.

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FMiner Free


FMiner is a visual web scraping app with macro recorder and diagram designer. You can use this app for web scraping, web data extraction, screen scraping, web harvesting, web crawling and web macro.

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ParseHub Free

by ParseHub

You can extract data from anywhere. ParseHub works with single-page apps, multi-page apps and just about any other modern web technology. ParseHub can handle Javascript, AJAX, cookies, sessions and redirects.

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