VMware, Inc hasn't yet released VMware Player for Mac. Fortunately, on this list of alternatives to VMware Player for Mac you can find other similar virtualization tools that will allow you to run all major operating systems on Mac OS X platform. All of them are safe, powerful and can perform any of the main tasks which VMware Player for Mac would.
VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional...
Not an alternative? Report a problemVMware Fusion 8 and Fusion 8 Pro--the latest versions of its virtualization software for running Windows on a Mac without rebooting--include full support for Windows 10, OS X El Capitan, and the latest Retina Macs, in addition to always...
Not an alternative? Report a problemParallels allows you to run Windows and Mac applications side by side. Choose your view to make Windows invisible while still using its applications, or keep the familiar Windows background and controls on your Mac.
Not an alternative? Report a problemThis is a great AppleScript designed to decrease the boot up time and increase performance when VMWare Fusion is not running. If VMWare Fusion is running, launching VirtualMachine will quit it and stop the daemon and its associated processes.
Not an alternative? Report a problemQeasy is a Mac OS X front-end to the QEMU CPU Emulator (QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine (e...
Not an alternative? Report a problemVMware Workstation for Mac by VMware, Inc. is a tool that you won't be able to find...
Dexpot by Dexpot GbR is a piece of software that gives you the possibility to add virtual desktops...
Feel free to add any alternative to VMware Player for Mac that you know of.
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