wxGlade for Mac

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wxGlade by wxGlade team is an open-source piece of software that can help you create user interfaces (UI) for wxWidgets and wxPython. Even if a version of wxGlade for Mac has not been developed, you can try other tools to create your interfaces. This list provides you with some tools that can act as replacements for wxGlade for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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wxGlade for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Our editors hand-picked the best Mac alternatives to wxGlade, go ahead and check them out, rate them, or add new ones you find fitting.


CocoaDialog Free

by Mark A. Stratman

CocoaDialog is an OS X application that allows the use of common GUI controls such as file selectors, text input, progress bars, yes/no confirmations and more with a command-line application.

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wxFormBuilder Free

by Jose Antonio Hurtado

wxFormBuilder aims to be an application that as well as enabling visual development and generating the corresponding code, allow the inclusion of non-graphical components, as well as providing facilities for extending the set of widgets...

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DialogBlocks Free

by Anthemion Software Ltd

DialogBlocks is a sizer-based resource editor that quickly gets you creating professional-looking dialogs, wizards and frames for deployment on Windows, Linux, Mac or any other supported wxWidgets platform.

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XRCed Free

by Roman Rolinsky

XRCed is a simple resource editor for wxWidgets/wxPython GUI development which supports creating and editing files in XRC format It is written in Python and uses wxPython GUI toolkit.

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Glade 3 Free

by The Glade project

Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment. The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using the GtkBuilder GTK object...

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Resource Hacker
Resource Hacker for Mac

Resource Hacker by Angus Johnson is a free-to-use resource editing application that can open...

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