NetBalancer for Mac

System Tools   ›   Network

NetBalancer by SeriousBit is a piece of software that will let you monitor and control your Internet traffic. Even though there is no version of NetBalancer for Mac available for download on the developer's website, there are other applications that can help you out. The following list contains some alternatives to NetBalancer for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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NetBalancer for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Check out alternatives to NetBalancer for Mac proposed by our editors and user community.


Net Monitor Free

by Guy Meyer

Net Monitor is an application that analyzes the network activity of your computer. It logs traffic-related issues, generates history reports, and calculates traffic between dates.

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SurplusMeter Free

by SkoobySoft

SurplusMeter is a handy application for Mac developed by SkoobySoft and is used for calculations regarding amount of downloaded and uploaded data.

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itools Free

by Tenon Intersystems

iTools is a powerful application created for website administrators. With this application users have access to a complete suite of tools for securely hosting and managing one or multiple websites.

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Entonnoir Free

by Santiago Lema

Do your colleagues complain about you eating up all the bandwidth? Well, you are about to earn their respect back. Entonnoir allows you to limit the upload and download speed on a system scale for any port.

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Throttled Pro Free

by IntrArts Creative Media

Throttled Pro optimizes your internet connection and provides "QoS (Quality of Service)" to Mac OS X. The following bandwidth graph shows what it could do to your network connection.

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NetLimiter for Mac

NetLimiter by Locktime Software is a well-known application that can help...

Ftp Server
Ftp Server for Mac

An Ftp server is a convenient platform that allows you to transfer data between several computers...

Network Monitor
Network Monitor for Mac

If you are looking for an application to monitor network traffic, test the response time of network...

iDump for Mac

iDump by Escsoft is a free piece of software that gives you the possibility...

ZD Soft Screen Monitor
ZD Soft Screen Monitor for Mac

ZD Soft Screen Monitor by ZD Soft is an easy-to-use piece of software that was designed to help...

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