Typing Assistant for Mac

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Typing assistants are applications that were designed to make typing easier by providing you with various features, like text snippets, auto-complete, spell checking and more. So, if you are looking for a typing assistant for Mac, then try one of the applications from this list.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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TextExpander for Mac Free

by SmileOnMyMac

TextExpander (was Textpander) is a customizable typing shortcut tool that saves time and keystrokes. With TextExpander, you can define abbreviations for frequently-used text strings and images, also known as snippets.

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TypeIt4Me Free

by Ettore Software Ltd.

Everyone who's in the content-writing business or sends countless emails on a daily basis will find TypeIt4Me a very useful office tool.

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Smart Typer Free

by com.wegenerlabs

Smart Typer is the cheapest and easiest-to-use text expander available on the Mac App Store. We think it is an application you will love. Define a shortcut (e.g. "brp"), define the phrase (e.g. "Best regards, Paul") and you're done.

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Magic Text Free

by witiz

Magic Text (formerly Magic Snippets) is the easiest way to type long and repetitive pieces of text (called "snippets") with just a few keystrokes (called "shortcuts").

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FastFox Free

by NCH Software

FastFox is a text expansion utility that allows you to insert words, sentences, paragraphs and even whole documents into text based editors, and other applications (web browsers etc), from simple short cut key commands that you create.

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TypeItIn for Mac

TypeItIn by Wavget, Beuger Enterprises, Inc. is a text expansion application that will help...

Speed Typing
Speed Typing for Mac

Speed Typing by Two Pilots is a piece of software that will help you create text snippets...

Breevy for Mac

Breevy by 16 Software is a text expander that allows users to better manipulate the text...

AutoHotkey for Mac

AutoHotkey by AutoHotkey is a powerful and easy-to-use program that will help...

Shorthand for Mac

Shorthand by OfficeSoft LLC. is a keyboard automation tool that can help you type your texts...

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