Easy Macro Recorder for Mac

System Tools   ›   Automation

Easy Macro Recorder by GoldSolution Software, Inc is a piece of software that will help you record mouse and keyboard actions so that you can automatically reproduce them at any desired time. Even though Easy Macro Recorder for Mac is not available for download, there are several other tools that can help you crate macros on Mac. Here is a list of apps that can serve as replacements for Easy Macro Recorder for Mac.

5 alternatives available for Maс
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Easy Macro Recorder for Mac OS X: Best alternatives Try out the alternative software to Easy Macro Recorder for Mac which was thoroughly picked by our editors to satisfy your needs.


iKey Free

by Plum Amazing

iKey allows creation of shortcuts that perform an action or sequence of actions each of which can be launched by key combinations or menu or event.

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Macro Recorder Free

by MurGaa

Macro Recorder is a simple application that allows you to record all types of Mouse and Keyboard Actions. Number of Actions being Recorded are displayed in the Main Window so as to give you an idea of what's being...

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MouseRecorder Free

by Jitbit Software

Mouse Recorder is a free automation tool for the Mac. It is a very simple macro recorder which you can use to record the movement and use of the buttons of your mouse to automate simple and repetitive tasks.

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Keyboard Maestro Free

by Stairways Software Pty Ltd.

Keyboard Maestro is a program that provides you with a simple and quick way to manage macros. You can use this utility to create your own macros to execute various types of actions, such as launching certain Mac tools...

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Keyboard And Mouse Recorder Free

by AlphaOmega Software

Keyboard and Mouse Recorder records and replays keyboard and mouse actinos. Do You want to record your keyboard keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks? You want to save them and to replay them whenever you want? As much as you want? In loop?

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Related alternatives
Mouse Macro Recorder
Mouse Macro Recorder for Mac

Mouse Macro Recorder by MouseMacroRecorder Ltd. is an application that can help...

MacroExpress for Mac

Macro Express (or MacroExpress) by Insight Software is an application that gives...

KeyText for Mac

KeyText by MJMSoft Design Ltd. is a piece of software that will help you record keyboard...

AutoHotkey for Mac

AutoHotkey by AutoHotkey is a powerful and easy-to-use program that will help...

Free Mouse Auto Clicker
Free Mouse Auto Clicker for Mac

Auto clickers are applications that can greatly help...

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